Foston Footers

Female Runner Graphic

Running or cycling in the summer circuit training in the winter.
Meet alternate Fridays contact:

Diana 01400 283274

The Foston Footers meet during the winter months at the Village Hall, Church Street,
Foston, NG32 2LG for circuit training at 6:30pm on alternate Fridays.

During the summer months meet at the Noticeboard on Main Street for running or cycling 6:30pm on alternate Fridays. Dates are posted on the Village Noticeboard. The circuit training is open to all; work at your own rate and at your own risk.

Winter sessions in the Village Hall, 6.30pm £2 (£1 students) per session to cover cost of hall.

Summer sessions running or cycling, meeting at the Noticeboard 6.30pm - this is free!