Annual Parish Meeting and Neighbourhood Plan Celebration

Published: 19 April 2018


All residents of Foston are invited to the


Annual Parish Meeting and


Neighbourhood Plan Celebration


on Friday 27th April 2018


 At 7.30pm,


Village Hall, Church Street, Foston.


This is a chance for you to have your say,


meet and chat to neighbours and friends over a complimentary


glass of wine or two with finger buffet.




Welcome by, Chairman of Foston Parish Council.


Notes from the previous Annual Parish Meeting 24 May 2017 (see reverse)


Foston Parish Council, brief Annual Report – Cllr Christina Lees.


Updates from Foston’s Community Groups to include


Book Club, Church, Conservation Group, Scouting Groups, & WI,


Speaker District Councillor Cllr Paul Wood


Comments, questions and suggestions from residents


Drinks and finger buffet


We look forward to seeing you on Friday 27th April 2018.


Children Welcome


The Annual Parish Meeting is not a council meeting. It is a meeting of the parish electors and a legal requirement that has to take place between 1 March and 1 June annually. Electors can contribute to the agenda and these meetings often celebrate local activities and debate current issues within the community.