Latest solution to tackle dog fouling

Published: 18 March 2020

We've launched our latest solution to tackle Dog Fouling!


This weekend 11 million viewers watched the 2020 Crufts Best in Show wire-haired Dachshund 'Maisie' do what dogs do and take a toilet break on her victory lap of the NEC arena.

Her owner Kim McCalmon came well prepared and immediately scooped up the mess with a bag. If only all dog owners would follow in Kim's footsteps and act so responsibly! But sadly we know all too well that this isn't the case.

Our latest research into Dog Fouling found that 15% of dog owners admit to letting their dog poop in a public place without picking up, leading to 76% of adults stepping in dog poop in their lifetime.

This is why we've launched our latest campaign to tackle this noxious problem. The campaign features dogs as the messenger, appealing directly to dog lovers and leveraging the levers of both pride and shame to remind owners to pick-up their poop because it's what their dog would want them to do.

The campaign has been designed to work across social media using highly engaging video content, and posters for placement at Dog Fouling hotspots in your local area. There are 4 videos available to choose from, featuring 'Sarah the Spaniel' and 'Ben the Boxer'. The videos can also be voiced with a regional accent to really connect with your residents.



Get in touch with our Network team today to find out more about how the campaign can help tackle Dog Fouling in LINCOLN and make sure more dog owners know to Bag it & Bin it for their dogs!

Please send any enquiries to:

Keep Britain Tidy is a registered Charity No. 1071737. Registered as a Company limited by guarantee in England & Wales No. 3496361. Registered office at Elizabeth House, The Pier, Wigan, WN3 4EX.
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